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“Moving to digital will improve service/product delivery and end user happiness, resulting in overall growth of organisations and country”


“Moving to digital will improve service/product delivery and end user happiness, resulting in overall growth of organisations and country”

Sandeep Jamdagni, Head – IT - Ashiana Housing


Key Priorities of 2020
T2020-2021 will be a crucial year for us. Data protection and security will be one of the major priorities for us. We had already begun our journey to cloud adoption a few years back, this year we will be focusing more on cloud adoption and SaaS will be our preference. Considering information security there are plans which will be implemented to make our data and services more secure.


Achieving Digitalization
It is not important how much one is spending on digitalization, important is how much digitalization happened and what benefits are achieved by doing this, what benefits realized by their respective customers and how much process/business efficiency increased. Improving customer experience, whether its internal customers or external and bringing efficiency in business processes is the true digitalization. Moving to digital will improve service/product delivery and end user happiness, resulting in overall growth of organisations and country.


Cyber Security
Organisations, which do not consider cyber threats as important to act on, later on they pay more than the cost of prevention.  Most of the organisations believe that they are not on the hit list of hackers or data breaches as they are small or they are not having any data/application on the internet. Here the only issue is, either they are not aware about their breaches or just not having any data classification done. For them no data is as important as to save from competition/unauthorised access, until and unless they are hit by some cyber-attack or have a big data breaches which results in financial loss.


It is not on one’s belief, cyber threats are not only for big or mid or micro segment organisations, hackers look for least secure systems most of the time. Nowadays, cyber threats are critical even for individual persons. People have to be careful about their cyber footprints, cyber security and personal financial data.


“We are rated number one on customer care by many autonomous bodies. We are among the few real estate players who play 100% transparent.  Our all project details and customer transactions are visible to respective customers always. We have transformed our system digitally to keep our customers updated round the clock, about their financial transactions, the status of their project, their individual unit. We are in the process of bringing the customer feedback system fully automated.


Bringing a smile of satisfaction to our customers is the purpose of our organisation and transparency is one the core value of our organisation, working in this direction, to give customers an experience in real estate buy, our NPS is 80%.”


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