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AccioMango leveraging new technologies to achieve Accessibility and Cloud


AccioMango leveraging new technologies to achieve Accessibility and Cloud

Jaideep Khanduja

Key Priorities of 2020
Key priorities for us based on our business goals for the year 2020 are accessibility and cloud. We are leveraging newer technologies to a large extent to achieve this. We are very choosy about vendors, professional development, and technologies to adopt. We prefer to consolidate most to each vendor rather than procuring technologies in isolation. We do not allow pass-the-buck among vendors. If it is about a solution in which more than one vendor is involved then each one has an equal say in contribution and ownership so that the targets are met within the stipulated time frame.


Breakthrough & Fusion approach
Without a fine combination of breakthrough and fusion approached in our technology strategies, it is going to be difficult for any organization to survive. It is completely going to be a game of innovation, initiatives, and incorporate. There are two ways of doing it in an organization. The first way that most of the organizations adopt is a kind of very formal approach focussing more on controlling and driving from the top. The better and less adopted way is to build a culture of each person irrespective of the position becomes an equal partner and has complete freedom of expression. Acceptability and inclusivity need to take an edge over individual egos and personal successes.


Defining R&D
Just merely having clarity of defining it is a lot more in the same direction towards carving a crisp roadmap and a concrete plan to achieve it. Spending money and spending intellect are two separate things. Both are very important to achieve targets. But, this spend needs to go in a very matured and balanced way. A good level of maturity is required at each step. Right from the inception of the ideas to concrete planning is not sufficient. The journey, for that sake, has just begun. It is the clear cut definition of each milestone in this regard that matters most. And then achieving each of those milestones is critical. Every milestone needs loud applause and a small celebration to keep up the momentum to achieve the next milestones.


“Without digital transformation, customer experience is very difficult to attain and sustain. We are completely on it. 2019 was a year of realization, alignment, and a strong readiness towards transformation in a collaborative manner. 2020 is the year of gearing up the momentum and achieving organizational success by engaging deeply with the customer. It is a kind of give more, get more. The more you add value to customer experience, the more is the rate of business growth in a uniform manner. That richness in the experience has to begin from within. Every unit whether within the organization or the external units that are part of an organization’s ecosystem matters a lot.”

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