Technology has made organizations more dependent by using facial recognition


Technology has made organizations more dependent by using  facial recognition

In the midst of what is termed the Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing the digital world and face recognition is one of them , the world has seen unprecedented advances that have come together to impact everyday life like never before. The convergence of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and many related innovations in the past five years has brought about profound change and disruption to countries, industries and the people who are part of them. In many ways, the future looks bright.


A recent announcement by, IBM is to stop offering facial recognition software for "mass surveillance or racial profiling", it raises many questions. Not sure rest on the rest OEMs would follow the same. 


Business continuity to give a newer shape reason being thousands of crores had invested into the project of smart city , to make the city smart, resilience and liveable city  and the component of  face recognition component was very important component to make smart cities even smarter. A typical smart city initiative will collect data from humans, devices and assets to analyze and optimize traffic, energy efficiency, information systems and waste managements. Smart city initiatives also focus on crime prevention. This is where face recognition comes in.


Facial recognition software is the world’s most divisive technology. With this there were many controversies arisen over facial recognition and its use has come-up as a theory of conspiracy. By integrating facial recognition technology with a smart city initiative, it is possible to prevent crime, accelerate investigations and ensure that public spaces are safer than ever. 


Secondly, Facebook which has long been criticised for ill-treating news publishers and spreading fake news via its social media platform, is all set to reboot and revamp its News section. After it first unveiled in October 2019 for beta testing, this improved Facebook News feature is finally rolling out to all users in the United States. News section is using the algorithms for better personalize the story selection for Facebook users, will also be using human journalists.

China controls the global physical supply chains. It is now making a concerted bid to capture digital supply chains as well through its digital Belt and Road Initiative.


Law enforcement agencies and some companies use it to identify suspects and victims by matching photos and video with databases like driver’s license records. But civil liberties groups say facial recognition contributes to privacy erosion, reinforces bias against coloured people and is prone to misuse

 After IBM announcement on the facial recognition too troubling would no longer offer the technology, citing the potential for racial profiling and human rights abuse. Some proposals to restructure police departments call for tighter restrictions on their use of facial recognition. Experts says, they believes that facial recognition is too dangerous to be used right now for law enforcement purposes. However, it doesn’t mean the end of facial recognition, concert arises on if it is done without people's knowledge or understanding leads to a fear into their privacy 

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