Technology empowering people stay connected in un-touch world


Technology empowering people stay connected in un-touch world

None of us were prepared for the huge crisis for COVID-19. We understand it is a hard time in both personal and professional terms.


Over 90 million small traders and labourers lost their jobs last month as fear over coronavirus led to a nationwide lockdown in India. The pandemic is hitting the job market hard, with unemployment rate rising to its highest level in a year, almost three times average for 2019-20.


The shift to remote working caused by the pandemic has left offices empty and pushed companies to rely on technology to keep their operations running. Cloud services OEMs have had to step up and bear the brunt of a transformed business landscape.


The rush-to-remote is now driving change in the way businesses operate. Companies that would scarcely have countenanced the idea of their employees working from home have been forced to rethink their opposition and sanction the use of cloud-based tools like Slack, Zoom and Google meet for collaboration.”


Another report says, companies likely to enhance their position in cloud services over the next year include hyperscale infrastructure as a service (IaaS) providers such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Alibaba and IBM; cloud-based collaboration and application providers; telecom operators providing cloud services; cloud connectivity partners; and colocation data centers.


The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted several examples of processes that can be digitized and virtualized. Google has told job seekers it will conduct all interviews virtually via Google Hangouts for the foreseeable future. Corporate video conferencing is enabling both legal and medical case discussions, while telemedicine is being used to provide COVID-19 remote diagnosis and treatment.


The present necessary on the stronger move towards cloud will now pose questions for organizations over their future consumption of IT resources. Some may already have concluded that, if they can run virtually now, why can’t they do it permanently?


This of course time will say !


We live in the world where the technology is increasing inter-dependence and accelerating change, much of it driven by technological advances such as low-cost computing through the internet and mobile connectivity. This brings a newer opportunities to solve old problems. The efficiency, innovation, and speed of a digitally connected world can expand what is possible for everyone – including those who historically have been marginalised.


Security is the most integral part of digital strategies, CISOs are dispersing security responsibility throughout the organization and working to transform the IT culture.


It is an opportunity for the IT service providers need to deliver on digital transformation initiatives in the areas they have to push themselves for big initiatives such as workplace virtualization, cloud migration, hybrid or multi-cloud management, internet of things (IoT), adoption of advanced analytics and RPA and cybersecurity.


Digital transformation is no longer a nice-to-have, it is a need-to-have and regarding the question related to the Coronavirus , The question was , Can the virus that causes COVID-19 be transmitted through the air?


The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets rather than through the air. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

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